Niels Kalk is an artist based in Berlin and the Netherlands. He has a knack for drawing characters, cutting & pasting collages and creating album covers. Sometimes his creations end up in an animation or music video. You can find his original art at exhibitions or in a gallery. For prints and other products, you can visit his webshop.

Paul Eisen – Music Video

German and Berlin-based Indie-Pop artist Paul Eisen approached me in early spring 2022 to join him in making a music video for his song Weltraumspaziergang, which is German for Spacewalk

I gladly accepted the challenge and immediately started looking for the right material. For the video, I made most of the artwork by hand, after which Paul placed the first pictures under the music. With some back and forth, I scanned the chosen footage and further edited it into a digital storyboard from which Paul was able to create the first animations. Then, with the help of artist Sebastian Klatt and a green screen, real-life footage of Paul was shot so that we could incorporate him into the collage backgrounds. All the animation and editing was done by Paul himself. The organic process made working on this video very enjoyable ♥︎

Editing, Animation & Direction: Paul Eisen
Artwork & Art-direction: Niels Kalk
D.O.P.: Sebastian Klatt